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What’s the Big Draw for People in Kent this Month?

What’s the Big Draw for People in Kent this Month?

In this 90-second speed read, we discover how something
so simple to do can have such big positive effects.

This month sees the world’s biggest drawing festival take

Throughout October, there are activities taking place across
the globe to encourage people to pick up a pencil and pen and start getting

Due to Covid-19, many of these are now taking place online. And
at the end of this article, we share a link where you can access more

The Big Draw attracts millions of people of all ages and
highlights the benefits of getting arty.

These include:

Reducing stressdrawing takes your mind
off things, and let’s face it, plenty is happening in the world right now that we
might want to forget about.

Building relationships – sitting down to draw with
your kids or friends creates a sense of shared experience and builds bonds.

Engaging creativity – merely grabbing a piece of
paper and a pencil can kickstart the creative parts of your brain and has been
shown to improve your memory.

The benefits of it are incredibly powerful among kids, and
it can help to build self-esteem, motor skills, and get them away from gadgets.

The Big Draw’s theme this year is ‘A Climate of Change’ and is
encouraging people to draw their thoughts and ideas on how we can live more
harmoniously with our natural environments.

A Picture-Perfect Home

At CWB Property, we know what draws people to property.

Based on our 5 years of experience locally, we
also know what people look for in their dream homes.

So, what does an ideal home in Kent most
commonly look like?

Well, we’d sketch out a spacious place, with access to
outdoor areas, good neighbours, and a short distance away from shops, schools,
and transport links.

We’d love to see what you create this month, so please feel
free to share your drawings with us.

To find out more about The Big Draw visit:

