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The Truth about Being a Landlord in Kent

The Truth about Being a Landlord in Kent

In this two-minute read, we explain why being a
landlord is a 24/7 job.

One of the best things about going on holiday is
that once you’ve packed your bags and locked the front door, you can breathe a
sigh of relief.

After months of hard work and stress, you can finally
relax, unwind, and recharge – unless, of course, you’re a landlord.

If you manage a rental property, you’re always on

You can’t switch on your out-of-office and mute your
WhatsApp for a fortnight and hope for the best. If there’s an urgent problem at
your property, you have a legal responsibility to act promptly.

Sometimes you’re just unlucky

The best landlords are organised. They stay on top
of routine maintenance and make sure that gas and electrical checks (that are
required by law) are performed on time.

But no matter how diligent you are, the unexpected
can still happen.

While emergencies are rare, they do occur – and
often at the worst possible time (when you’re en route to an exotic location or
living it up with friends at a wedding or birthday celebration).

Why not just risk it?

You may be tempted to cross your fingers and hope
for the best.

Unfortunately, we’ve seen many landlords take this
approach – and get caught out.

The exasperating thing about managing a property is
that when something goes wrong, it can go very wrong.

And you can’t sweep an urgent issue – a gas leak,
burst pipe, break-in, or fire – under the carpet and continue clubbing in Ibiza
for a week.

If you do, you could be putting your tenant’s life
at risk (cue costly legal action) or your property on the line (think of all
the water damage that burst pipe will cause if you don’t fix it ASAP).

There is a solution

Get a professional to manage your property for you.
That way, when you go on holiday, you can truly switch off and leave it to
someone else to deal with any issues that occur.

You can be anywhere in the world, and someone will
be keeping an eye on your property – and your tenants. It’s the best way to
protect your investment.

To learn more about why many Kent landlords
use our property management services, get in touch with us here at CWB

